Global IT issue affecting GP practices and pharmacies nationally

We are aware of a global IT issue which is affecting some primary care services in our region. It may […]

Staff Training Closure;

Please be aware the surgery will be closed from 12:30pm Wednesday 4th September 2024 for staff training. We will re-open […]

Choose the right NHS Service for you

Self-care Treat yourself at home. Keep a stock of essentials most of us need every now and then. Pharmacy See […]

Overgate Hospice Hub

If you are an adult living with a progressive life-limiting illness, drop in to one of the Overgate Hospice HUBs […]

Patchs: Our New Online Consultation Tool

We would like to announce we have launched a new online consultation tool called PATCHS at our GP practice. The […]

Ovarian Cancer and Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

This March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. As with other ‘Awareness Month’ initiatives, the aim is […]

Give feedback on Care

Your feedback helps make care better Use this form to tell us about an experience of care at the surgery- […]

Cost of Living Crisis Newsletter

Please find the newsletter attached below by Vita Health Group. Some useful information to help you cope this winter. 

Diabetic Eye Screening Programme

Have you attended your Diabetic eye screening appointment?  The NHS provides FREE eye screening for people with diabetes aged over […]

Our Online Service

Please note: Our online booking system is temporarily suspended due to the coronavirus outbreak. If you require an appointment, please […]